My Portfolio

Fresh Service

The table below showcases a collection of portfolio projects centered around the Fresh Service System. Each project demonstrates key aspects of my work, including problem-solving approaches, innovative solutions, and successful implementations within the Fresh Service platform. Explore these projects to understand my expertise and experience in managing and enhancing Fresh Service-based processes.

Problem Solution Write-Up
I was facing an issue with the accumulation of past-due tickets, especially on the state reporting side, which depends heavily on county billing and state processing timelines. Manually updating these overdue tickets to reflect realistic due dates was inefficient and time-consuming, causing workflow misalignment and a backlog of overdue tasks. To address this, I implemented an automation in the Fresh Service platform using the Workflow Automator tool. This automation extends the due dates of my overdue tickets by 30 days whenever I assign a ticket to myself. It ensures only my tickets are affected, maintaining control and preventing mass updates across the company. Additionally, it logs a note in each updated ticket to provide clarity and transparency about the change. Click Below to View
30-Day Due Date Booster
The Forms Development Team (FDT) faced issues with their workflow due to SLA requirements that mandate initial contact within 3 days of receiving a request. However, requests often did not receive a response until active work began, leading to SLA breaches and unfavorable reporting. Although form requests ideally should not fall under SLA guidelines, this rule is currently in place, necessitating a practical solution to prevent SLA violations and improve workflow compliance. To address this, I developed a two-part automation within the Fresh Service platform. The first part triggers when a ticket is assigned to the FDT queue with the correct group and category setup. It posts a public note visible to the requester, satisfying SLA requirements and allowing agents more time before actively responding to the ticket.

The second part activates when an FDT agent requests a review from the requester. By marking the ticket in a special pending review state, automated reminders are sent over two weeks to prompt the requester's response. If the requester approves, the ticket is closed; if not, it is reworked. If no response is received by the end of the two weeks, the automation closes the ticket automatically, ensuring compliance with FDT rules and maintaining workflow efficiency.
In Progress - Not Available
Form Workflow Optimizer and SLA Manager